Paws at Peace


These muddy prints have always been sort of a nuisance in my eyes, but last night they meant so much. As I swept the porch I realized that once those wash away they will not be replaced. They were so much more important to me then than ever before.


Sunday afternoon, Mr. Bum took this picture. He thought she looked cute. Sunday evening he sat in the grass with her and tried to comfort her as she had a seizure.

Monday morning I made the call to end her life. It was horrible and a relief. The feeling that you decided when something died and the relief of not having to wonder if she hurt or how it would end. Off and on I was weepy until last night. After everyone was asleep I went to the yard to throw away those nasty urine stained beds. As much as I hated those things it killed me to think they would not be replaced. I sat outside and cried.

Rest in Peace Micah!  18 years

Published in: on August 5, 2008 at 8:46 pm  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. We’re sad for you today over here at WWoW. Maybe Micah will meet my Nomar. (God, I miss that little guy)


  2. You gave him a good, long life!

  3. I’m so sorry you lost Micah. He lived a nice long life and now he is at rest.

  4. So sorry for your loss! He had a good life but I know you will all miss him… HUGS!

  5. Awwww, so sorry my friend! I’ve been on the go lately and just now checked in.

  6. Oh I am so sorry for your sorrow, I can not believe 18 years though. Wow. I hate losing friends, family and companions. Our time is coming right around the bend and I dread it so badly. so hugs to you and your family.

  7. Oh, that’s so hard to say goodbye. The paw prints are beautiful…

  8. Hugs to you – Like Lisa J. I fear our time is coming up rather quickly as well…

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