My name is Momma Bum
I’m a couponaholic!

Here’s proof:


I can’t help myself. All that coupony goodness just waiting there for a new owner. I can do great things for my family and others with LOTS AND LOTS OF COUPONS.

If you’ve never checked it out before and you are an interested, semi, of full blown couponaholic you should check out .
There is a wealth of money saving knowledge in those pages with tons of people just like me.  At first I lurked and then I slowly started joining the group.  Last week I started sharing and trading coupons with others.  Today I made $4 off of coupons someone else needed that I didn’t.
Hallie,  I even started saving Coke points………………….and I’ve sorta…………..well kinda………………..started drinking more……….ahhhh………………Diet Coke.  Aren’t you proud of me?

Now one person that comes to mind when talking about HCW is Tracy.  Her learning CVS turned me on to the concept of frugality and bargain shopping. Thank You for showing me the light.

All kidding aside. I am super exhausted tonight and my back is killing me. I’m starting to think it could be that I hunker over in recycle bins for fun that is taking its toll on my body.

Lisa, I haven’t forgotten about your concern for our babies so I wanted to share my Inlaws new project. Meet our horsey home.  The cut colt has had his picture doctored on the site but He LOOKS AWESOME.  I was even shocked at how well he has recovered.  We are in the process of taking pictures this week.

 Check back in later.  I need to go count my coupons.

Published in: on August 26, 2008 at 8:02 pm  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wow, you’re definitely a couponaholic! Who took the photo?

    If that’s what it takes to save, why not?

  2. That would be totally worth it digging through the papers as long as you come up with lots of coupons. Smart idea!


    Hallie 🙂

  4. I loved the pictures of the horses. Those are two good lookin’ boys. Thanks for thinking of me, I sure do miss my horse days.

  5. Go you! LOL I have been a slacker as far as CVS and coupons go. But then… I haven’t been shopping much. Share some deals one of these days! Ok? I promise to start sharing more one day soon!

  6. Really enjoy visiting your blog.

  7. It’s called dumpster diving, and they have support groups for it 😉

    Just teasing ya

  8. Ok, where in the HECK are you? Have you floated away? I hope all is well. Miss hearing from you, but understand that life is busy. Take care.

  9. Hey there. You haven’t posted in awhile.
    Blessings from Costa Rica

  10. you know some call that dumpster diving, ???

    my sil did this also in CA and she always got the deals!

    LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

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